“And now it begins a new era, once again and always forward! The MMXX(3) has arrived. The last two years was a very intense rollercoaster full of ups and downs (INTENSELY as most of you know). It seems now that I’ve develop a new way maybe my new way of tattooing mixing geometric forms and Japanese style of tattooing to this non explored by me concept. It feels like a rebirth with new challenges and a personal small circle of feelings surrounding. I am very fortunate for all of you that came across in my path to enlighten and teach me new ways and clarify my mind to what I can extract to do the best out of me. The team that I’ve been putting together to represent the same vibes of the studio that has been built in the last 12 years is the reason why my evolution as a person and I will always try to get better as it is the follow up of the ideas that I believe makes a better world. To this new era ahead. I want to thank all of you who supported me in this path of creations and support me on the highs and lows of keeping the studio and my roof that aggregates my “kids” and the whole team that fights and exist because of this new location that has been a challenger to make the dreams of lots of people a reality. We expected to have better waves in 2023 and keeping the focus to unite a community of great energy more and more so we can all achieve our dreams together. Let’s celebrate that we are here today and know that we can always make our wishes true and don’t delay no one on theirs. Happy New Year and thank you again for the deepest of my heart. “
- JP Rodrigues aka EL ConQuistaD’or